Gen. Tariq Khan, ex Head Pakistan's Central Command and Frontier Corps that defeated Pakistani Taliban (TTP) in a provocative interview with Dr. Moeed Pirzada (Editor GVS) explains how Washington has abandoned its ally India and its proxy Kabul regime in another shift of US politics. But he busts the myth of Afghan invincibility pointing out how both Sikhs under Maharaja Ranjit Singh and British had repeatedly defeated and humbled the rulers of Kabul. Highly informative discussion. Must watch for students of International Relations, Politics and aspirants of competitive exams like CSS, IAS and PAS.
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Moeed Pirzada, prominent TV Anchor, is Editor, Global Village Space. He has interviewed key national and international decision makers including President Musharraf, Benazir Bhutto, PM Imran Khan, Hilary Clinton, President Hamid Karzai, Mike Mullen, Ambassador Holbrooke and others.ew tweets at: MoeedNj and can be reached at Editor@GlobalVillageSpace.com