Eigen values and Eigen vectors example | Algebra | Engineering Mathematics |

Eigen values and Eigen vectors example | Algebra | Engineering Mathematics |

Eigen values and Eigen vectors example | Definition and concept and working rule | Properties | Example | Algebra | Engineering Mathematics |
Hello friends I am Basant Chaudhary. Welcome you all to our YouTube channel “Chetan Academy”
About this Video: This video contains the example and concept and working rule to find the Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of a square matrix | Concept | Working rule | Properties | Characteristic equation of a matrix | Based Example | Applications of Matrices in Engineering | Problems & Concepts by Basant Sir will help Engineering and Basic Science students to understand the following topic of Mathematics:
1 Definition of Eigen Value?
2 Definition of Eigen Vector?
3 What is Characteristic equation of a matrix?
4 Concept and working rule to find the Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of a square matrix
5 Properties of Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
6 Based Example
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