High Protein Diet Is a Tough Strategy for Weight Loss

High Protein Diet Is a Tough Strategy for Weight Loss

High Protein Diet Is a Tough Strategy for Weight Loss

A high protein diet is a great strategy for losing a significant amount of fat in a short period of time. By that I mean, a high protein diet could help a dieter shed 10 to 15 pounds in 2 weeks. Assuming some of that is water weight, the fat loss would still be in the 8-pound range, give or take a couple. That's a significant amount of fat to burn.

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At face value, 8 pounds of fat might not seem to be a lot. Let's say, a dieter loses 6 pounds. Again, that may not seem like much to some. But consider this, a dieter goes on a 2-week, high protein diet followed by 4 weeks of clean, healthy eating. Dieter loses 6 pounds and then holds steady for 4 weeks, perhaps even drop a pound or two.

At a minimum, the dieter loses 6 pounds in a 6-week cycle. With the cliché rinse and repeat, the dieter is looking at a loss of 48 plus pounds. 52 weeks divided by 6 yields 8 cycles plus. 8 times 6 yields 48 pounds. That can be life-changing. That's assuming no weight loss during the 4-week, cleaning eating phase. And water weight loss will add to that number.

So, what is a high protein weight loss diet? Or more correctly, what is a high protein fat loss program?

Most Americans probably get an enormous chunk of their calories from carbohydrates. In Business, they speak of the Pareto Principle which states that 80% comes from 20%. In this case, since carbohydrates probably account for 80% of calories, the Pareto Principle could be amended to say 80% comes from 33%.

Although many Americans get their calories from carbohydrates (read sugar), conventional wisdom suggests that one's calories should come from a ratio of 50% carbohydrates, 20% protein, and 30% fat. Those numbers could fluctuate to a little more from carbohydrates and a little less from proteins.

A high protein diet obviously changes the ratios. But first, the general principle of weight reduction is achieving a caloric deficit. The greater the deficit, the greater the weight loss. All the programs out there are strategies for achieving caloric deficit. If this guiding principle is adhered to, the programs are good.

That said, although there are many ways to get to Boston, some modes will get you there faster and better. High protein is one of them. This strategy is very straightforward, the bulk of the calories come from protein.

This stands in contrast to established programs like the Adkins diet that seek to minimize carbohydrates as the main objective. The shortfall in calories is balanced by increasing proteins and fat. But the driving goal is to reduce carbohydrates.

The subtle difference is that a high protein diet focuses on increasing (dramatically) the consumption of protein while minimizing carbohydrates and fat. 1 gram of protein has 4 calories, as do carbohydrates but fat has 9 calories. Minimizing fat and carbohydrates dramatically also means dramatically increasing protein intake.

"Back in the day," Arnold Schwarzenegger recommended a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. The conventional wisdom suggests 0.36 grams per pound of bodyweight. That's not a lot.

At a gram of protein per body weight, a 200 lb man would need 200 grams. 200 grams would yield 800 calories, add in some residual fat and carbohydrates, and the caloric intake probably wouldn't exceed 1000. The caloric deficit has been met. High protein couple with minimizing fats and carbohydrates will dramatically reduce caloric intake.

A high protein fat loss diet is clearly a powerful tool in the struggle to combat obesity.


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Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on the Amaze Weightloss channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical, or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

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