IF TOOTHPASTE WERE A PERSON || Funniest Life Moments and Hacks by Crafty Panda Pranks

IF TOOTHPASTE WERE A PERSON || Funniest Life Moments and Hacks by Crafty Panda Pranks

Hey, awesome Pandas! Have you ever wondered what would happen if toothpaste were a person? Would you unite to fight nasty candies that are trying to damage your teeth just for fun? Keep watching and find out! Don’t forget to stay tuned for the funniest life moments and hacks by Crafty Panda Pranks!

Toothpaste Squeeze
Fries In Ketchup
Sushi Vs Chopsticks
Food In Teeth
Undressing Salad
Gum On A Shoe
Colorful Candies
Boiling Vegetables
Smelly Garlic
Marshmallow in Cocoa
Steak Being Prepared

#Hacks #Funny #If

Love the music used in this video? We find our music on EpidemicSound: https://bit.ly/2JcUlBa

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