"The media is owned by certain people" Johnny Hopper outline his problems with the industry

"The media is owned by certain people" Johnny Hopper outline his problems with the industry

Johnny Hopper details his thoughts on the problems with the industry and the way the media is owned by certain people.

Listen to the Full Podcast:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/59aUiihAKmDkCD17lgj4aC?si=ueqZIuUhR0GY-ORjfsK45w&dl_branch=1

iTunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/gypsy-tales/id1335551721#episodeGuid=gid%3A%2F%2Fart19-episode-locator%2FV0%2FVj_zTdjU5Q9zptO22HYGiSfOk37eaq2kQwH3AsgfJro

Johnny Hopper is a former AMA Pro turned YouTube creator who has been able to form a loyal fan base and create some epic viral motocross and supercross content. Johnny has a unique perspective on the sport and we talked through a lot of that in this episode of the podcast.


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MXSTORE: http://www.mxstore.com.au

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BOOST MOBILE: http://www.boost.com.au

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SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3WaBKQaxua1BBiy3TDVdLm?si=GgZ3KFlcRk6e60AgSpELXA


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TWITTER: https://twitter.com/jasemacalpine?lang=en

johnny hoppermotocrossgypsy tales

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