↓↓↓ Links to all my other social media is below :)
🌐 Instagram: @alex.oros ~ https://www.instagram.com/alex.oros
⚡ Tiktok: @_alexoros ~ https://www.tiktok.com/@_alexoros
👾 Twitch: alexoros ~ https://www.twitch.tv/alexoros
🐦 Twitter: @AlexOros97 ~ https://twitter.com/AlexOros97
👻 Snapchat: a_oros4221
Email for business inquiries: contactalexoros@gmail.com
Thanks for all the love and support you guys give me. All the likes and sharing helps the channel grow even more, so help me spread the word! ✌😃🍉
MY FAMILY AND I HAVING A WONDERFUL TIME TOGETHER 'TIL...freaky bih come eat tiktok lyricsOn Cam TikTok Compilation