Post Race to World First Q&A

Post Race to World First Q&A

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Hey guys, as most of you know we recently finished this tiers Race to World First, where we sadly didn't manage to take the win this time around - but in the spirit of the race I decided to answer some questions from the chat, and some of the just generally most frequently asked questions. Hope you enjoy

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Why 2x Demon Hunter: 0:00​​
Internet Issues: 4:10
Biggest Class Mistakes Limit Made? 4:53
Venthyr vs Nightfae Moonkin: 5:23
Biggest Regret/What Would You Do Different?: 13:02
Why Didn't you bring an Unholy DK?: 15:09
How Difficult is it to Call the Raid During a Close Race: 15:52
Were Melee as viable as Blizzard wanted them to be?: 16:18
Did you Expect Arms to as Good as it was?: 18:15
How Important is World 2nd vs World 3rd: 18:50
Hunter expectations?: 19:09
Would you have Extended if Echo didn't kill it: 20:29
Did you Consider Running a Prot Warrior?: 20:37
How Close were you to Bringing Rogue?: 21:21
Any thoughts on what Next Tier will look like?: 21:37
After the loss do you expect Roster Changes?: 21:45
Which Fight was Worse, Kel'Thuzad or SLG: 25:53
How'd it feel to have Taggzz as the 22nd man this tier?: 26:38
Do you think Enhancement will see more play next tier?: 27:18
Mistweaver?: 29:52
How Perfect is Sylvanas?: 30:23
Where do you think the hate around the WFR comes from?: 31:05
What were your Hardest Leadership Decisions this tier?: 32:17
Most Valuable Specs/Classes This Tier??: 32:50

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MaximumLimit MaximumWorld first

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