Recycling in Germany Makes Our Heads Spin! ЁЯдп ЁЯЗйЁЯЗк Here's How We Dispose of Our Shizz

Recycling in Germany Makes Our Heads Spin! ЁЯдп ЁЯЗйЁЯЗк Here's How We Dispose of Our Shizz

Before we moved to Germany, we knew that recycling was important, but we were not prepared for just how much we had to learn once we arrived! It feels like we had to take a college course to learn how to do it properly! In this video, you'll see how Kevin has to separate our trash in 20 different categories each time he goes to the Wertstoffhof (recycling center and dump), which is about every two to three weeks. It must also be noted that we are more than happy to recycle well and reduce our waste in general, as being environmentally friendly is also important to us. So, bring it on, Germany!

When we arrived in Germany in February of 2021, we furnished our house mostly from IKEA, so we had cardboard coming out of our ears! You'll see footage of just how crazy it got and how we eventually (two months later, once we got a car) were able to take care of it.

One thing we'd like to emphasize is the process of recycling is not the same all over the country. We are only sharing our own personal experience. Please share your experience in the comments below!

Here are the videos we mentioned in this video:
@NALF - How to Become a German in 50 Easy Steps
How We Made it to Germany and Survived Quarantine -

See all of our Life in Germany blog posts and videos here -

See our Life in Germany YouTube playlist here -

We are a family of six, with four kids and a cat ЁЯШ╣, who moved from the USA to Germany in February of 2021 to pursue our dreams of adventure, travel, learning another language, and integrating into German life. We hope you enjoy our videos about our journey to integrate - the highs and the lows of being foreigners on the adventure of a lifetime.

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See My Book, Detox Your Home, on Amazon:

0:00 - Intro
1:02 - How recycling was for us in the USA
4:01 - The 20 different categories we must recycle
18:28 - See how our trash is separated in our pantry
19:30 - See how our trash is separated in our carport

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Moving to Germanymoving to Germany from usamoving to Germany from America

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