SPENDING $20,000 ON SPORTS CARDS IN ONE DAY | Dallas Card Show Day 2

SPENDING $20,000 ON SPORTS CARDS IN ONE DAY | Dallas Card Show Day 2

Day two in Dallas was C-R-A-Z-Y! It started early in the morning and went late into the evening. It ended up being one of the best buying days for us (maybe ever?) at a card show! We bought so much quality stuff and can't wait to show y'all all the pickups from the show. Big fan of the Dallas card show and am ready to go back next time! Be sure to leave a thumbs up if you enjoy these vlogs we do at card shows!

To watch the Day 1 vlog, click HERE: https://youtu.be/XVSbmdfm5_Q

To join group breaks, buy merch, cards, supplies, or for more information about grading, visit www.cardcollector2.com

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To watch any of our breaks live or rewatch them after, check out our break YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJxL...

eBay: https://www.ebay.com/str/cardcollector2sportscards

If you are on social media, feel free to follow me @CardCollector2 for daily sports card talk, tips & tricks, as well as posts from my card store in Grove City, Ohio!

Sports CardsFootball CardsDallas Card Show

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