Take a Look South Korea 2021

Take a Look South Korea 2021

Take a Look South Korea 2021

#SouthKorea #southkoreatravel

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In 1945, Korea was administratively divided. Since Korea was under Japanese rule during World War II, Korea had to formally take part in the war against the Allies. After the unconditional surrender of Japan (like the four regions of Germany) Korea was divided into two affiliated territories. The United States rules the southern part of the Korean Peninsula along the 36-degree axis, and the Soviet Union rules the northern part. Like Germany, this division of Korea was supposed to be fleeting; If the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and the People's Republic of China were to establish a single government on the peninsula, the people would return to a united Korea.
But the two sides could not agree on the establishment of a joint caretaker government in Korea. This led to the formation of two separate governments in 1948 - the pro-communist Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the first Western-backed Republic of Korea. Both governments claim to be legitimate governments throughout Korea. On June 25, 1950, the Korean War broke out. After much destruction, the war ended on July 26, 1953. Since neither the DPRK nor the Republic of Korea could conquer the other part of divided Korea, the status quo of 1947 was restored. The Korean Peninsula is divided into Korean demilitarized territories and North and South Korea; Two separate stable governments were established in the two Koreas.
South Korea's subsequent history can be traced back to different periods of democratic and authoritarian rule. Civil government is traditionally identified as Lee Sungman's first republic and the sixth contemporary republic. Although the first republic was democratic at the time of its formation, it gradually became authoritarian and collapsed in 1960. The second republic was quite democratic, but in less than a year the government collapsed and was replaced by an authoritarian military system. The Third, Fourth and Fifth Republics were nominally democratic, maintaining the continuity of military rule. [1] However, since the founding of the Sixth Republic, the country has gradually developed a stable and liberal democracy.

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