Terrible (July 13) Icelandic volcano explosion nearly hit tourists with lava at 1,666 meters

Terrible (July 13) Icelandic volcano explosion nearly hit tourists with lava at 1,666 meters

Terrible: Icelandic volcano explosion nearly hit tourists with lava at 1,666 meters

After more than three weeks of fiery, crowd-pleasing fountains, a volcano in southern Iceland has finally quieted down—leaving behind a new, 270-foot (82-meter) cone as a permanent souvenir, experts say.

The 5,466-foot-tall Fagradalsfjall volcano first erupted on March 19, 2021. Successive eruptions sent roughly 30-story-tall "fire fountains" gushing from its newly opened vents.

The 2,192°F (1,200°C) jets of lava and gas haven't been without their charms, scientific and otherwise. "Especially in the twilight, everything starts to glow, and it's spectacularly beautiful," said Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson of the University of Iceland's Institute of Earth Sciences.

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