🎺 WHAT THEY HAVE REALIZED 🎺 in-depth pick a card love tarot reading with channeled messages

🎺 WHAT THEY HAVE REALIZED 🎺 in-depth pick a card love tarot reading with channeled messages

timeless - this will find you at the right time 🧚 timestamps below ↓

🧚 i’m currently not doing personal readings 🧚
🧚 if you would like to donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/mianoom
*some of you have reached out to me asking if there is a way to donate to the channel - please don’t feel like you have to, this is completely optional!! i’m always very, very grateful for any kind of support i receive - you can also support me by watching some of the ads on my videos if you feel called to!* 🧚
🧚 contact: miamoontarot@gmail.com 🧚
🧚 this is the last video i’m posting “manually” until august so i also wanted to say that i wish you all a beauuuutiful and relaxing summer - the rest of the videos posted until around mid-august will all be pre-recorded and scheduled so i’m technically not going anywhere but yeah, any excuse to remind you to go have that hot person summer because youuuu deserve it! 🌈☀️

pile 1 - 0:44
+ song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxjEZm321kA
pile 2 - 26:50
+ song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0yteeXjjmc
pile 3 - 55:06
+ song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nb1cy3gXNI
++ song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doRUhDIB29s

about me
22🧚 - she/her - cancer ☉/ pisces ☾ / virgo ↑

!! this is a general tarot reading, so please only take what resonates and leave the rest. i will always be truthful about the energies i’m picking up on, but that does not mean that the message must be meant for you. trust your own judgment and intuition over mine or anyone else’s. nothing is set in stone and energies constantly change. my aim is to offer you clarity in your situation by looking at current energies. tarot is a tool for guidance about possibilities and a tool to communicate with the universe; it is not meant to be a predictor of your future, or a replacement for any professional guidance you may need. consume responsibly 💗

Disclaimer: This video is for entertainment purposes only. I am not qualified to give legal, psychological, medical or any other type of professional advice. You are responsible for your own interpretation of the content on this channel & as well as for your own actions.


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