신규확진 1천987명... 비수도권 746명 연일 최다... 정부 "추가 방역조치 논의…중증-사망자 위주방역 지침은 검토 안 해"... 정부 "2천명대 지속 발생 대비…상급종합병원과 병상확보 논의" ...전 세계 코로나
The number of new COVID-19 cases today in South Korea is down from the record high we saw yesterday.
But it's only just under 2-thousand.
The sharp rise in cases has the authorities considering even stricter social distancing.
Shin Ye-eun reports.
South Korea on Thursday confirmed 1-thousand 9-hundred 87 new COVID-19 cases.
Almost 40 percent of cases, a record of 746, came from outside the capital region.
While the total daily tally was slightly down from the day before,... many have raised concerns that the current social distancing measures aren't proving effective.
The greater Seoul area has been under level four,... the highest distancing level for more than a month, but new cases remain stubbornly high.
Most other regions have been under the second highest level for nearly three weeks.
And authorities on Thursday said they were well aware of these concerns.
"We know that many experts are giving out various suggestions. The government is currently monitoring the increase in confirmed cases this week, and believe that this number might rise under the current social distancing measures."
They added that if this is the case, additional distancing measures will be considered.
"On top of current measures taken under level four, there may need to be additional restrictions. We will make an announcement after talking with the relevant ministries and reviewing COVID-19 forecasts."
Although not much has been revealed as to what these additional measures might be,... authorities have said that they would base their decision on the number of new cases rather than the number of patients in critical condition or the number of deaths.
That's because the number of deaths or patients in critical condition has significantly dropped thanks to higher vaccination rates.
Meanwhile, the government is trying to find ways to provide extra hospital beds and intensive care units for patients,... in case the daily COVID-19 count continues to hover near the 2-thousands.
Outside of Korea, the number of cases in the U.S. is averaging 100 thousand per day,...the highest in nearly six months, and Japan on Wednesday reported a record high of almost 16-thousand cases.
Shin Ye-eun, Arirang News.
#COVID19 #SouthKorea #infection
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2021-08-12, 17:00 (KST)