Cambridge Proficiency Writing Part 2 - What 2 Books Should Be Taught In Schools - Sample Essay

Cambridge Proficiency Writing Part 2 - What 2 Books Should Be Taught In Schools - Sample Essay

Cambridge Proficiency Writing Part 2 - What 2 Books Should Be Taught In Schools - Sample Essay

Author Roland Simon

What two books should be taught in schools?
What students can learn from these novels?
This essay WAS written by Roland Simon
What books should be taught in schools is a highly contentious issue. If I had to single out these two books, I would choose Of Mice and men by John Steinbeck and White Fang by Jack London.
Of Mice and men takes place in California IN the USA, during the Great Depression. Alienation and bitter hopelessness used to be the hallmark of these times. Lennie and George, two seasonal farm workers, are inseparable friends. Lennie has herculean physical power, but he is the prisoner of his own mind. George who is smart always looks after the lumbering giant at the expense of his own time and his private life. Although Lennie relishes keeping mice at himself because of the pleasant feeling of THEIR soft touch, he inadvertently kills them because he is not aware of his enormous strength. Uncertain interim jobs encumber their everyday financial situation, to make matters worse, the constant rejection of society overshadows their effort to GET ahead in life. Conversely, they have a common dream, buying a rabbit farm, which creates a bond and keeps their spirits alive in ALL kindS of situationS. From the readers’ standpoint, they realise that friendship has intrinsic value.
While other writers acquired knowledge about the wilderness vicariously, Jack London experienced hands-on everything THAT he wrote about in his books. Some daredevil adventurers come across a yellow metal in ISOLATED Alaskan regions; a large number of greedy people THEN embark on AN arduous journey through the snowy mountainous forest. The desire to obtain sledge-dogs AS surging at the dawn of the gold-RUSH. White Fang is part dog and part wolf and he is the main character. A cruel man captures the cub and TRIES to TAME the animal, but to no avail. The owners frequently bludgeon him with sticks; rendering him more ferocious. When he reaches maturity HIS newest human-God compels him to take part in a cruel fight. ON One occasion when he was defeated by a strongER bulldog, Weeden Scott intervenes and saves his life. White Fang is adamant to refuse his master´S gentle hand AND although this man makes many attempts to develop trust in the animal, White Fang remains implacable. ON looking back at his past experience he senses an ulterior motive in his MASTER´S kindness. By the same token, there is a desperate fight inside him, between the free wilderness and the safeTY OF civilization. Contrary to expectation, While Fang eventually accepts his master at the end of the novel. NO MATTER how advanced we might become, the relationship between human beings and the natural world IS inextricably linked.
In conclusion, despite the vivid description of cruelty in these books, students can learn many important things, such as the love of nature and the appreciation of friendship.

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