Easiest Strategy to Invest in India | Mutual Fund Investment simplified

Easiest Strategy to Invest in India | Mutual Fund Investment simplified

Check out NAVI Mutual Fund:

Reading stories of success of business tycoons such as Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, we might wonder: why doesn't India produce such entrepreneurs?

Well, first thing - India got it's independence on 15th August 1947, approximately 170 years after the US. This means that the US had a lead in developing a favourable ecosystem for it's entrepreneurs.

Now, India too will experience growth in the near future, and if you take the advantage of this opportunity, you WILL become rich.

But how to do that? I have explained the same in this video.

00:00 Introduction
00:10 Understanding US economy
03:00 Passive mutual funds
03:50 Active vs Passive Mutual Funds
08:40 Benefits of Passively Managed mutual funds
09:50 Entry/Exit load
11:30 How I invested in my 20s
12:40 Conclusion

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