Folk Artists In Karnataka Suffer The Brunt Of COVID, Many Of Them Pushed To Poverty

Folk Artists In Karnataka Suffer The Brunt Of COVID, Many Of Them Pushed To Poverty

Mojo Story's Vaishnavi Suresh reports from Karnataka's Bengaluru and talks to a group of people from the community of Koli Basavas; the folk artists of Karnataka. The people of this community have seen a lot of hardships amidst the Covid pandemic. In this advanced 21st century era, these people don't even have access to sanitation and electricity to even charge their mobile phones. They told Mojo Story that they walk from one village to another to make a living and return with 200-300 rupees daily. People have new modes of entertainment like movies so that people don't like watching us, one of them says. These people have stayed in the profession for over 20 years now and have earned pretty much nothing but continue to carry forward the legacy, tradition and their culture. The social activists have contacted the government to help the community in whichever way possible but there are a lot of hurdle to it. They pay Rs. 5-10 each time to get their phones charged. The women of this community help to sustain the family by collecting firewood, cutting and gathering grass for cattles and taking care of children and the house. They were dependent on social workers during Covid lockdown for food since their earning saw a huge dip.

#Karnataka #KoliBasava #Covid19 #FolkArtist

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