Former AKP MP Emin Sirin: "#Turkey's illegal renditions will trouble us in the future."

Former AKP MP Emin Sirin: "#Turkey's illegal renditions will trouble us in the future."

Former AKP MP Emin Sirin:

"#Turkey's illegal renditions will trouble us in the future. I am against that these people are unlawfully brought back to Turkey whereby you cannot do this legally."

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Former AKP MP Emin Sirin
expresses his concerns
about the illegal renditions
by Turkish government:

"I am of the opinion that nothing that is unlawful is useful.
Let's pass on that.
I am even disturbed by some actions taken abroad.
I hold the view that the fact that some FETO members today are
being brought back to Turkey from abroad in a violent and unlawful manner will trouble us in the future.
If the man's crime is at a level that can be legally proven,
you should be able to demand his deportation from that
country within legal frames.
Now, the man you catch and bring back is a man from Kyrgyzstan,
with Kyrgyzstan citizenship...
I don't know if the man guilty or not.
But the top 50-60 people on top of the FETO pyramid,
as you call them, are abroad.
Are you really able to bring these people?
Have you reached a level to legally prove these people are guilty,
and can you demand their deportation lawfully?
When you cannot do this lawfully, I think it is extremely wrong that you break the law inside and outside the country, whatever the cause may be."

We call upon the international community and civil society to react to this unlawful practice of the Turkish government, and help end this illegal
renditions campaign!


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