Frustration to Elation - Lakeside Surf Experience with Barry Green

Frustration to Elation - Lakeside Surf Experience with Barry Green

A special episode of the Dropping In Surf Show this month. Guest Barry Green, Centered Surfing, and Rob conducted a strike mission to Lake Chelan, WA to visit Lakeside Surf.

Lakeside Surf is an artificial standing wave using the City Wave technology, and is apparently the largest of it’s kind.

In this episode, broken into three sections, Barry and Rob discuss their experience, walking in having never surfed a standing wave before to having four to five sessions on this wave. They talk about the journey of learning and how it can benefit you in general, their expectations and emotions throughout the time spent there, and how this wave might help you with your surfing technique.

Section 1 is recorded immediately after Rob’s first two sessions and after Barry’s first. Section 2 is recorded after Rob’s 3rd and 4th session and Barry’s 2nd and 3rd. Finally, Section 3, has Rob and Barry watching their final session, commenting on what is seen on the screen as well as how they felt transitioning back into the ocean. Each section is roughly 15 minutes in length.


Check out Lakeside Surf at
Get Coaching with Barry Green at Centered Surfing:

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