✰ l e t s b e f r i e n d s ? ✰
CHECK MY INSTAGRAM ↣ http://www.instagram.com/ivy_nicolee
CHECK MY DEPOP FOR CLOTHING ↣ https://www.depop.com/ivy_nicolee
CHECK MY TIKTOK ↣ https://www.tiktok.com/@ivy_nicolee
Hey friends!
Today we talk all things: insecurities, finding the deep rooted issue of our insecurities, people pleasing, confidence and learning to love yourself. Self love and learning more about your self worth - while can sometimes seem “superficial” is actually one of the most important gifts we can give ourselves. Through learning how loved we truly are by our Creator, it propels us to live in FREEDOM in all aspects of our lives; which allows us to make decisions confidently, talk to people confidently without any reservations, tackle life head first and not doubt. It all starts from our roots and I hope that this talk is able to help you see just how worthy you are of so much more love!
Love you all, Ivy xx
✰ p r e v i o u s v i d e o s ✰
↣ SKINNY SHAMING IS NOT OKAY | ALL bodies are beautiful regardless of societal standards :) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUGmWrcIiWk&t=90s
↣ bullied for my chest, skinny shaming & feeling “undesirable?” | An Honest Conversation Part 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6mNtpVBW08&t=322s
↣ you're not unattractive, Tiktok just has super unrealistic beauty standards... | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH8g93xvMc4
↣ 7 TIPS on how i learned to STOP hating myself | HOW TO BE BODY CONFIDENT | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucqs79HWoBE&t=173s
✰ c o n t a c t m e ✰
↣ To work with me further, feel free to contact me via EMAIL - ivynicoleeeex@gmail.com
The purpose of this video is to help women & men alike, to learn how to become more confident in themselves and in their walk with God, how to have a higher self worth within themselves, build their self esteem, self confidence and self love. Doing so allows you to know your value and is a girl chat/girl talk that we all need. Social media can be both used for good and not so great purposes, but if we use it for the best purposes possible, it can really be a tool used for self care, self improvement, personal growth and mental growth.
✰ F A Q ✰
↣ Age | 25
↣ Height | 161cm or 5 ft. 3
↣ Where do I live? Australia
↣ Nationality | Filipinoooo