Have you ever heard a relationship guru say something like this?:
The best marriages aren’t 50%-50%, they’re 100%-100%.
The idea here is that both partners, rather than meeting each other halfway, should ideally give 100% of themselves to the relationship. Sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? Two people who love each other giving their all to their partner for the rest of their lives; ahhh, what a beautiful life that could be. But can you spot the problem with this commonly held ideal? What do you do when you’re willing and committed to doing your part 100% but your spouse or partner is only giving, say, 60%, or even 45%? Is your relationship doomed? Is it time to bring the hammer down on the person you love most? Will that even be effective if you do?
The problem with the 100/100 equation is that it requires both parties to be on exactly the same page, with the same levels of understanding and identical priorities. The only way to really find this perfect setup is to marry a duplicate of yourself! You can’t change another person, though I’ve seen a lot of frustrated wives trying to do just that. Of course, it’s completely understandable; they’re trying to save their marriages! But who in this world is enjoys being “reformed” by someone else? I certainly don’t, and your man will not appreciate it either.
Today's video is about this entire subject - we go through 4 important ways women are MAGICAL in their relationship.
Here is a link for the blog I wrote on this subject!
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