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Song: kayou. & woven in hiatus - these days will fade out (lyrics)
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tell me something let me know you're still here
'cause knowing you would leave is my worst fear
and i know i let you down but i swear
these days will fade out and feel so distant
you feel so different
just say something so i know you're here
tell me something let me know you're still here
tell me something let me know you're still here
'cause knowing you would leave is my worst fear
and i know i let you down but i swear
these days will fade out and feel so distant
you feel so different
just say something so i know you're here
and i know i let you down but i swear
these days will fade out and feel so distant
you feel so different
just say something so i know you're here
tell me something let me know you're still here
tell me something let me know you're still here
'cause knowing you would leave is my worst fear
and i know i let you down but i swear
these days will fade out and feel so distant
you feel so different
just say something so i know you're here