Republican Representative is definitely grasping at straws, and during a recent interview she claimed that the Capitol Rioters - who she refers to as "political prisoners" - should be released from jail because the Taliban released prisoners in Afghanistan. Not only are the two events not related in any way, but Greene also accidentally made an apt comparison about what these people really are - criminals. Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link - https://www.rawstory.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-afghanistan/
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Republican representative Marjorie Taylor green believes that the capital rioters who are currently in jail either because they're awaiting trial and they've been deemed too dangerous to release, or because they've already pleaded guilty, or if they've already been convicted, whatever it is, she wants them all released from prison because she says they are political prisoners. And she used a recent appearance on Steve Bannon's program to make quite possibly the worst analogy between the Capitol rioters and the fricking Taliban. Here's what she had to say. There were 5,000 terrorist prisoners released from a camp set free. Here are my thoughts here. We have people being held in prison that were at the Capitol on January 6th. They're being treated like political prisoners of war, but yet we have president Biden and Kamala Harris. Don't forget her hold her accountable. And this entire administration that allowed terrorists that will chop your head off, throw gay people off of buildings that will cover women in burgers and shove them in homes and treat them like slaves. Never to be seen from again, are you talking about the Taliban at that point, or are you still talking about the Capitol rioters? Cause it's, it's, it's not exactly clear which group you're talking about at that point, but, uh,
Let's address the idiotic
Claims you make here. Um, first and foremost, there is no evidence whatsoever that these people are being mistreated in prison.
Nobody has yet
To be able to produce any evidence at all to suggest what Marjorie Taylor green and of course Matt gates and Jim Jordan. And, uh, Gohmert have been pushing for some time now. And that is that these people are somehow being mistreated.
No, most of them
That were arrested were released pending trial. The ones that were not is because it was deemed that they were a flight risk, that they were a danger, that they were a threat happens all the time in the judicial system literally happens every day here in the United States, these people are no different. They go through the same type of process. Is this person going to be a normal member of society while they await their trial? Or are they going to go out and commit other crimes hurt? Other people flee the country. Possibly it gets weighed in every single
Criminal case. That's
What happened, but I wouldn't expect Marjorie Taylor green, the former CrossFit person to understand how the judicial process works here in the United States. The other point that I think is very important is you're saying, oh, it's ridiculous. The Taliban released these people and Biden, let them okay. Biden. Didn't let them do that. Like Biden. Didn't call them up on the phone and say, Hey, while you're storming the place, why don't you go ahead and release all those crazy? Nope. That's not what happened either. Marjorie,
Joe Biden has no
Part in the fact that they over there in a different country that we've been in for 20 years too long. Did furthermore, if you want to make the case that your buddies need to be let out of jail, comparing them to people who, as you say, cut people's heads off and throw gay people off of buildings. Yeah, probably not the best analogy. Well, if people who chop heads off are allowed to go, let's get these people out of jail because you know, tomato, tomato, yikes.
Not to mention the fact
Terrorists overtook a country, did horrible things and well,
Because they got to do horrible things. We should get to do horrible things to that. That's that's also not how it works works. I am every day shocked at the level of stupidity. We see coming out of this human being Marjorie Taylor green, it
Is astounding how dumb this person is, who ties her shoes in the morning, who helps get
Dressed? Because at this point I am not convinced that she has enough scruples to be able to do it herself. Like there's gotta be somebody behind the scenes seeing like, okay, the first arm in, okay. I, it blows my mind. It absolutely blows my mind.
And the worst part is much like Matt