![MIRACLE [Troll Warlord] Most Epic Try Hard | Best Pro MMR - Dota 2](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/V7AF6mjLE3M/hqdefault.jpg)
🔴Dota 2 Troll Warlord Best Pro Gameplay - Immortal Rank. Play Dota2 with player Miracle-
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🔴Welcome to Top MMR Plays Dota 2 / BesT MMR ChanneL. Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game produced by IceFrog and Valve Corporation. Here you can watch replays of professional players, high MMR games and Dota 2 ranked match replays. Remember to subscribe to be notified when we release new Dota 2 videos!
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Jah'rakal, the Troll Warlord, is a ranged agility hero able to output mighty damage competitively at range and in melee. His Berserker's Rage gives him the unique ability to change his attack position from ranged to melee and back at will as the situation warrants. When in close combat, his stats are increased accordingly: he gains bonus armor, movement speed, reduced base attack time, and the ability to root. Not only does this greatly improve the Troll Warlord, but allows him to overpower most other carries, as well as permanently ensnare a target for extended amounts of time. The Troll Warlord is an axe specialist, using them in his unique Whirling Axes, which has two variations: the first is available to his ranged form wherein he throws axes in a cone formation to damage and slow enemies. The second is available to his melee form, whirling axes around himself in a small radius to damage and blind nearby enemies. In keeping with his savage nature, Fervor builds up the Warlord's momentum, granting him attack speed with each consecutive hit on the same target, though the momentum is lost upon switching targets. His Ultimate, Battle Trance, increases his attack speed further, boosts his movement speed, prevents death and grants lifesteal at the expense of almost complete loss of control when enemies are nearby, mindlessly attacking them. Notorious for his superbly fast attack speed that can be matched by few, Jah'rakal is truly a force to be reckoned with.
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