MyPillow CEO's Cyber Expert Admits There's No Evidence Of Election Hacking

MyPillow CEO's Cyber Expert Admits There's No Evidence Of Election Hacking

Mike Lindell's cyber symposium has drawn to a close, and the MyPillow CEO has been exposed as nothing more than a carnival barker. His own cyber security "expert" told The Washington Times this week that they actually had no evidence at all of any election hacks, and therefore they wouldn't sign off on him suggesting this during the symposium. It was a fraud from the start, as Farron Cousins explains.

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Well folks it's Friday, August 13th, which means today is the day that conspiracy theorists believe Donald Trump could be reinstated as president. So I guess keep an eye on that to see if Trump is president later today, I'm sure we're all on pins and needles about whether that's going to happen. Uh, but here's the thing. This also marks the day that Michael Lindell's cyber symposium is officially over. Lindell's had told us earlier in the week, when this thing started, that we're all gonna wake up on the morning of Friday the 13th and wonder what we can do about what he presented. And, uh, I'm pretty sure, literally nobody is waking up actually thinking that today, one person, who's definitely not thinking that is a person by the name of Joshua merit. Mr. Merit happens to be Mike Lindell's leading cyber security expert. And he actually gave an interview to the Washington times this week, where Mr.

Merritt said that there is no evidence of any foreign election hacking in any of the materials that Mike Lindell has. That was the big thing about the cyber. Somebody that was supposed to be the big reveal that China hacked the election to make Joe Biden win. And Donald Trump loses. And here you have the guy, the guy that looked at all of this information, telling the Washington times we have no evidence that says this actually happened. In fact, merit actually says that his team had told Lindell, you can't say this because there is no evidence at all to back up any of this. They also mentioned by the way that those packet captures that Mike Lindell has been pushing for so long, like we've got the packet captures merit said yet, we really don't actually have those. Because as I actually explained in a video on ring of fire yesterday, if you don't do the packet capture at the time, um, most of those, uh, the routers and all of that do not store those. Now you can obviously do it over a timeframe, a time period. You know, maybe get it a couple of hours after the fact, but months and months after it happened, that's not going to happen. And that's what merit confirmed. He said we don't have them. And the things we have looked at there is no indication at all, that there was any foreign influence in this election.

I honestly, case closed, right? That's what should happen right now is this should totally be case closed Lindell's own people. Won't stand by his ridiculous accusations about the 20, 20 election anymore.

They're done.

And so should he be, because this is ridiculous. At this point, this has all been a farce. Dow clearly knows that cause his own people have been telling him this and his cyber symposium is over Donald Trump did not get reinstated as president Lindell. At one point on a Wednesday, obviously did run off the stage. When he learned that a Trump appointed judge would not dismiss his, uh, the lawsuit that dominion voting systems has filed against him, which prompted him on Thursday to say that the judge was either in on the scheme or he didn't know what. Yeah, probably not a smart idea to attack the judge. That's going to let this go forward, buddy. Uh, Mike Lindell's in a lot of trouble. Now he destroyed his credibility. He was stage all week spreading more lies and conspiracy theories about the very company that's suing him for $1.3 billion. The guy is toast.

He is toast with the people who believe even Steve Bannon at one point came out during an interview on real America's voice and said, yeah, uh, why isn't he showing any evidence? He said he had evidence, but he's not showing it. People are starting to get restless. This should be the end of Michael and nobody should ever else should ever again give him the time of day. And hopefully I never have to talk about him again, except to talk about the massive loss he suffers in court. When dominion wins there, 1.3 billion defamation suit against him. Hopefully that will be the next, last video I ever have to do about the disgraced pillow guy.

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