PISCES โ™“ They'll be forced to do the right thing ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿฆ‹ PISCES General LOVE Read Aug 2021

PISCES โ™“ They'll be forced to do the right thing ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿฆ‹ PISCES General LOVE Read Aug 2021

#Pisces #Tarot #Horoscope #Zodiac
General Love Reading for the sign Pisces, Aug 2021
Pisces Sun, Moon, Rising & Venus
My videos are recorded in Zodiac order
โ™ˆ โ™‰ โ™Š โ™‹ โ™Œ โ™ โ™Ž โ™ โ™ โ™‘ โ™’ โ™“

Helpful reading? Donations are gratefully received https://www.paypal.me/PhoenixKeia.
Please add the word โ€œdonationโ€ in the +add a note box

๐Ÿ””Additional channel & booking info in my pinned comment below๐Ÿ””

Uploads are usually at around 4pm (GMT) in groups of 3 spread across 4 days
Start every month: GENERAL ๐Ÿ’ฐ Readings for all 12 zodiacs
Mid month: LOVE/ROMANTIC ๐Ÿ’– Focused Readings for all 12 zodiacs
End of every month: TWIN FLAME ๐Ÿ”ฅ Readings (for the following month ahead)

Personal readings are available on my original website. Please visit

Please check your device for any sound quality issues that might arise. I do wear a mic but wearing headphones would improve the overall sound quality. Sound quality differs across devices
I am not responsible for loud adverts
I have several medical issues which affect my hands, speech & short term memory Sometimes my hands will shake, I'll forget words for things and have to speak slowly to compensate. This can not be helped. Some days are better than others, please be patient with me if it's obvious that I'm struggling ๐Ÿ™

Please be aware that some of the decks I use contain graphic content & I might sometimes swear. This channel and it's videos are set to 18 and over with reason ;)
Personal readings are available to those 18 yrs and above

Time is fluid, your message may not resonate with you straight away. Please take from the messages what does resonate and leave what doesn't behind. With the collective videos, they can not and will not resonate with everyone. The readings on this channel are all made with good intent
Energy is interchangeable - If it fits, claim it. If not, leave it be
The oracle cards work in the same way as the Tarot - it is for the viewer to decide what oracle cards are meant for them and what ones refer to their person/persons of interest Readers do not control what comes out in the cards! Their job is just to pass on the message, it is for the viewer to decide if it's for them or not ๐Ÿ™‚

Please visit my ABOUT page to view my ethics t.ly/1vaz (copy/paste short link into your browser) All my cards are cleared and shuffled thoroughly before filming. My own energy is also cleared between every read, therefore - no projection in the general readings
Every reader has their own way of interpreting the cards, making spreads and how they deal the cards. I prioritise the Hellenistic technique of distributions - which divides the year into 36 10-day segments
This technique also takes into account the planetary influences
A huge portion of the reading will be missed out if it's restricted only to the Zodiac
The Zodiacs already have their major Arcana, the planets have their own cards, the seasons have theirs and the Decans also have theirs
I also do not read one card energy. I look at the other cards near each other - I also intuit a huge proportion and channelling during readings is not unusual
I do try to honour the system that each deck uses where possible; in fact one of my decks I actually use as a hybrid deck between two systems Some decks will also have runes, others will have Hebrew letters, which I also try to include in the readings
There are so many different techniques for Tarot Reading and each one used is personal to the reader
Tarot is for everyone

Your Sun (Star) sign is just a fraction of what contributes to your chart. For eg, mine is: Sun Venus & Jupiter in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus, Rising in Cancer, Mercury in Libra, Mars & Lilith in Capricorn, Element - Mud!
I often find my Mars sign (Capricorn) is more accurate for me; maybe consider cross watching your other signs to get more accuracy?
To check out your full natal chart for free you can visit:

I am bound by Law to inform that readings are provided on an entertainment basis. You must never make any major life changing decisions based on a read from any reader. The final choice is yours. You do have free will

Another amazing way to show your support is to allow an advert to run, or you could visit my Teespring store at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnKpDX3M4lcvjMPmOY9JKkg/store
all support is massively appreciated
Please like, share and subscribe - every interaction on the channel really does help
Thank you ๐Ÿ™

Due to lack of typing space here, I'll put links to interesting things seen in this video in my pinned comments below

ยฉ๏ธ 2021 Phoenix Keia Tarot.All Rights Reserved
You may NOT download this content and upload to your channel as if it's yours

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