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Startup Financing: Fund Your Startup Instantly and Cheaply - learn Entrepreneurship
Best Entrepreneurship Course
Master this simple technique to borrow funds for your startup within a week at rates of 1-3% and give up no equity.
Borrow tens of thousands of dollars using balance transfers at interest rates of 1-3%,Find credit cards with the best balance transfer offers,Get the money from a balance transfer into your checking account, even if the balance transfer’s use is restricted to paying off another credit card,Manage the balance transfers effectively to avoid the series of traps the credit card companies set to try to get you to pay a much higher rate,Extend the balance transfer on another card when the promotional rate expires
Students need to be a resident of the US, UK or Australia or if not at least be able to apply for credit cards in one of those countries,
The insights and applications from this course apply to the US, UK and Australia
,Would you like to borrow $15K, $30K, $50K or even $100K of cash for your startup or small business at interest rates of 1-3% within the next week?,This course will help you do exactly that. This course provides a concise, simple guide to borrowing tens of thousands of dollars at interest rates below 3% for as long as you need the money using your credit card.,The lead instructor for this course, Ian Bednowitz, spent years of his life consulting to different credit card companies while he worked at Bain & Company. He learned how the credit card companies use balance transfers to entice customers with promises of low interest rates and then lay traps for them to fall into that makes incredible amounts of profit for the credit card company. More importantly, he learned how to avoid those traps so he was able to borrow over $100K for his graduate education for over five years at interest rates of 1-2%.,In this course Ian and his co-instructor Jasper Ribbers will show you how to do the same thing for your startup or small business:,What you need to use the lessons from this course immediately is experience using credit cards, a good credit score and a need for additional cash for your startup or small business to use for marketing, additional inventory, new staff or any other project to help your business grow.,This course is not for an entrepreneur who needs hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars for his or her startup or small business.,INSTRUCTOR DIRECT SUPPORT: Ask any question and get answer right away within 24 hours or less depending on time zone - we do sleep you know ;) We are actively committed to supporting our students every step of the way.,30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE; Don't forget you can enroll at no risk! If this course is not for you then you can get 100% of your money back with the press of a button - no questions asked! There is no risk to you - only upside benefit!,TAKE ACTION - PRESS THE \""TAKE THIS COURSE\"" BUTTON - ENROLL NOW!,,Entrepreneurs, small business owners and freelancers who need thousands or tens of thousands of additional capital at very low interest rates of 1-3% for marketing, technology, additional staff, etc. New or potential entrepreneurs who need seed capital of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to begin working on their businessCollege or graduate students who need additional cash for their expenses beyond student loans and consumers who need to borrow cash at low rates for large expenses like a new car can also use the information in this courseThis course is not for entrepreneurs or small business owners who need access to hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in cash for their businessThis course is only for students living in the US, UK or Australia as balance transfers work differently or are unavailable in other geographiesThis course is only for students over 18 years of age who have at least one credit card account,Entrepreneurs, small business owners and freelancers who need thousands or tens of thousands of additional capital at very low interest rates of 1-3% for marketing, technology, additional staff, etc.,New or potential entrepreneurs who need seed capital of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to begin working on their business,College or graduate students who need additional cash for their expenses beyond student loans and consumers who need to borrow cash at low rates for large expenses like a new car can also use the information in this course,This course is not for entrepreneurs or small business owners who need access to hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in cash for their business,This course is only for students living in the US, UK or Australia as balance transfers work differently or are unavailable in othe