In this video, I want to show you that we are saved at 2 different times, from 2 different things, and that there is a difference between being saved initially, and being saved in the end, according to scripture. I want to show you that everyone who wanted to be saved, was saved initially, and why most, who were saved initially will not be saved in the end, so that you can do something about it now, all according to scripture.
I believe the biggest deception among Christians today, is what we have come to believe about being saved. There are about 180 scriptures in the New Testament on being saved, salvation, eternal salvation, eternal life, everlasting life, having an inheritance in the Kingdom of God, and having an abundant entrance into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Most churches pick and choose about 15 to 20 of those scriptures to preach on that subject, and that’s why our interpretation on being saved, and salvation doesn’t match from church to church, and nobody’s interpretation matches all 180 of those scriptures. There is no way possible to have a correct interpretation of being saved, according to scripture, if we do not speak from the viewpoint of all 180 of those scriptures, found in the New Testament.
My reason for making this video is to help unsuspecting Christians, who have been deceived into believing things that are not written in scripture. It is not in man to direct his own steps (Jeremiah 10:23), and not only that but to walk according to our own thoughts is rebellion toward God (Isaiah 65:2). We have to forsake our thoughts, in order to be righteous by faith (Isaiah 55:7, 1 Corinthians 10:4-5), and according to Jesus Christ, we have to be righteous in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:20). Therefore, my heart goes out to try and help millions of Christians today, who unknowingly have been deceived.
May the Lord open the hearts and minds of all who watch this video, to heed the scriptures, repent, and return to the Lord our God. Amen.
00:00 - saved two different times, two different things
04:27 - everybody chooses their saved scriptures
07:21 - made alive, being saved initially
09:26 - the free gift, everybody’s justification
10:48 - alive again from among the dead
13:39 - why most will not be saved in the end
19:10 - fight, finish, and keep the faith unto a new man
22:13 - acts of righteousness are required in the end
26:24 - inheritance thru trusting Jesus, hearing, and believing the Gospel
30:48 - what is believing in vain