The Different Types of Aquarium

The Different Types of Aquarium

1. Passive Freshwater Community Tank This is one of our favourite fishtanks as it is suitable for many different types and species of fishes with varied colouration and patterns. 2. Freshwater Planted Aquarium With caution and planning. You can have plants and rocks in the tank with fish such as cichlids and goldfish. 3. Brackish Water Aquarium Brackish water has both a relatively high pH and marine salt, as a result, this type of aquarium is suitable for many different types of species. 4. Marine Water Aquarium This type of aquarium consists of sea-water and breeds the species requiring the same. 5. The Dutch Aquarium In this type of aquarium, plants dominate the fishes, the latter is generally just for a visual impact. 6. Geographical or Regional Aquarium This type of aquarium consists of fishes from the same geographical origin.


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