This Is the Best Weightlifting Move for Shedding Pounds, Says Science
Check it out : https://bit.ly/3hM8CID
The secret's out: Resistance exercises such as lifting weights are hugely effective at helping you lose weight. As we've recently reported, a new study published in the FACEB Journal reports groundbreaking findings showing that when we perform resistance exercise, it jumpstarts a molecular process "instructing" our fat cells to enter a heightened state of fat burning.
"To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of how weight training initiates metabolic adaptations in fat tissue, which is crucial for determining whole-body metabolic outcomes," says study author John McCarthy, Ph.D., associate professor in the University of Kentucky Department of Physiology.
That being said, fitness trainers and experts have been advising their clients in pursuit of a leaner physique to incorporate weight resistance exercises like squats, pull ups, or free weight training for years.
"Weight training, body-weight training, and general resistance training are all excellent ways to trigger long term fat burning," explains Joy Puleo, M.A., PMA-CPT, Balanced Body Education Program Manager. "Your body is brilliant. When you train against resistance, you are building muscle mass. As you train against a resistance, be it a weight or gravity, you are often training anaerobically, which is a fancy way of saying 'not in the presence of oxygen.' However, as the muscles repair and gain in strength, the metabolism changes such that at rest, fat is being used as energy. This is exactly what we are looking for, to rev the engines so that when we are not exercising you are still burning fat for fuel."
So now you know that pumping iron helps you shed pounds. The question remains… What is the best strength-training move for doing so? Luckily, there's an easy answer. Read on for the one resistance-training move you should do if you want to trim down, and consider it a bonus that you can do with or without he help of added weights. And for more great exercise advice, don't miss The Secret Side Effect of Lifting Weights You Didn't Know, Says Science.
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