The Three Types of Solar Panels
When you think about installing solar panels, you usually consider factors like cost, aesthetic, and energy efficiency. While these are important factors, there is a factor in solar panels that will affect all three of these: the types of solar panels you choose. The types of solar panels on the market today will affect how much installation and manufacturing cost as well as how the panels will look on your roof. It’s one of the most important considerations for a solar panel installation.
There are three types of solar panels, and each one has its pros and cons. The right solar panels will depend on your specific situation and what you hope solar panels will do for you. In this guide, we’ll discuss the types of solar panels, the pros and cons of each type, and how to choose the best type of solar panel for you.
What are the 3 Types of Solar Panels
The three types of solar panels are monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film solar panels. Each of these types of solar cells is made in a unique way and has a different aesthetic appearance. Here’s the breakdown for each type of solar panel.
Monocrystalline Solar Panels
Monocrystalline solar panels are the oldest type of solar panel and the most developed. These monocrystalline solar panels are made from about 40 of the monocrystalline solar cells. These solar cells are made from pure silicon. In the manufacturing process a silicon crystal is placed in a vat of molten silicon. The crystal is then pulled up out of the vat very slowly, allowing for the molten silicon to form a solid crystal shell around it called an ingot. The ingot is then sliced thinly into silicon wafers. The wafer is made into the cell, and then the cells are assembled together to form a solar panel.
Monocrystalline solar cells appear black because of the way sunlight interacts with pure silicon. While the cells are black, there’s a variety of colors and designs for the back sheets and frames. The monocrystalline cells are shaped like a square with the corners removed, so there are small gaps between the cells.
Polycrystalline Solar Panels
Polycrystalline solar panels are a newer development, but they are rising quickly in popularity and efficiency. Just like monocrystalline solar panels, polycrystalline cells are made from silicon. But polycrystalline cells are made from fragments of the silicon crystal melted together. During the manufacturing process, the silicon crystal is placed in a vat of molten silicon. Instead of pulling it out slowly, this crystal is allowed to fragment and then cool. Then once the new crystal is cooled in its mold, the fragmented silicon is thinly sliced into polycrystalline solar wafers. These wafers are assembled together to form a polycrystalline panel.
Polycrystalline cells are blue in color because of the way sunlight reflects on the crystals. Sunlight reflects off of silicon fragments differently than it does with a pure silicon cell. Usually the back frames and frames are silver with polycrystalline, but there can be variation. The shape of the cell is a square, and there are no gaps between corners of cells.
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