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🔹 Solar Set: https://www.solarset.com/
🔹 Savona Equipment: https://www.savonaequipment.com/
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With so many incredible inventions and developments coming out of Israel the question has to be asked. What drives innovation? Ross Blum, https://www.linkedin.com/in/ross-blum-51a34214, who himself is COO of Skyline Robotics, https://www.skylinerobotics.com/, a company that originated from Israel discusses his own experience traveling to Israel and his perspective on the entrepreneurial culture.
Skyline Robotics has introduced Ozmo, https://www.skylinerobotics.com/meet-ozmo, the first window cleaning robot with advanced AI and machine learning. They are now focused on expanding across the United States market and beyond.
Connect With Ross Blum on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ross-blum-51a34214/
Follow Skyline Robotics on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/skyline-robotics/
The Crownsmen Show is "The Voice of Industry"
Each week we unpack the industrial sectors of North America. We explore the latest in technology, opportunities, challenges, leadership, and government policies. Industry experts from mining, energy, construction, transportation, forestry, and agriculture join the show to share their insights and give you in-depth access to their industry.
Hosted by Jerrod Downey, https://ca.linkedin.com/in/jerroddowney
Produced by Gaudy Molina, https://ca.linkedin.com/in/gaudy-molina-05074b139
Executive Producer Rory Bamford, https://ca.linkedin.com/in/rory-bamford-crownsmen
🔹 Crownsmen Partners: https://crownsmen.com/
🔹 Watch More Episodes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC64EgFjS2lK0xJlbrpwtFjQ
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