3 Reasons Why You Should NOT Drive your 3rd Shot in Pickleball

3 Reasons Why You Should NOT Drive your 3rd Shot in Pickleball

Learn why you should prefer hitting a 3rd shot drop as opposed to hitting a 3rd shot drive in Pickleball with coach Joey Gmuer. Watch today's pickleball TIP in our Instructional series. Stay tuned for more pickleball lessons!

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This channel is dedicated to all the gold seeking Pickleballers out there who dink responsibly and stay out of the kitchen. We have all levels come through the channel, but we concentrate on the 4.0s, 4.5s and up to 5.5s.
I started this channel quite by accident, I was recording my games to do film study and get better. I did not have time or money for lessons from pro pickleball coach, so I started watching all my screwups. People that I was playing with started to ask if they could watch too and I said sure. That helped all of us a lot to improve our game, strategy, mental toughness, and techniques. Now we have new pickleball videos published several times a week. We occasionally have pro pickleball players on the channel. Mostly its non pro pickleball players on their quest to 5.0 pickleball. We have all levels come through the channel: 4.0 pickleball, 4.5 pickleball and up to 5.5 pickleball with the pros.



Why should you not drive your third shot? I know, you're gonna say “Joey, you drive your shot all the time!”. But look I'm not winning tournaments; I'm getting silver in 5.0. I'm done being a B-rated YouTube star! This is me against Kyle Yates. Me and Ankush did 13 third shot drives, we missed two. Cover your ears. 13 third shot drives. How many did Yates do? He did one third shot drive. Who won the match? It's an easy question – that guy! The first reason, why you should not drive is you want to get to the kitchen faster. If you drive the ball, you're gonna drive on the third shot and you're gonna have to drop on the fifth. If you have an easier drop on the third shot. Drop get to the kitchen play out the dinking paddle. The second reason why you should not drive: the other team is really good at hand on drives. They might be former tennis players. If the former tennis players that can be good at handling drives. I'm telling you, just drop that third shot. Get to the kitchen and play your game!

The last reason why you should not drive is you may not have an effective drive. Maybe you're not using enough spin (it's not dipping enough). You're not hitting it with enough pace. So just drop it I'm telling you. You could be an extremely good 5.0 player, even pro without having an amazing drive. It's true! Let me make one more point: most people think a drop is a defensive shot. Look at Kyle Yates dropping. It can be a very offensive shot. It dips a lot. I did a video on the shake-n-bake. You can shake and bake on a very good drop that dips a lot, you really can. To summarize: drop if you want to get to the kitchen fast, it really helps. Secondly, if the other team's really good at handling drives definitely drop. Get to the net play the dinking war you'll probably win. Text me, thank me! Number three: your drive is not as effective, you don't have enough spin, you don't hit enough pace. Just drop, you can be a really good player. I really enjoy doing this. Please leave your comments, subscribe. I'm gonna keep the videos coming. Thank you so much!

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