Hello inhabitants, we are back, spend a weekend with us, we going to a family adventure, unfortunately we won't be doing the same activities so taking the actual experiences was a mission and most of them, we could not hold the camera.
#gzadventures #adrenalinejunkie #cheersto29years #shotleft
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Here is a glimpse of what transpired, latter on we went to a Private Spot in the bushes to cut the cake and let the kids go home, and our batteries died. Ciao
Lessons in the 20's
You are still young you still have time( start now) take advantage of less responsiblities
You can't keep up with fashion it comes and goes
Don't allow people to set time limits for you( when are you going to be married or have kids) Do it when you are that way you won't have regrets
We live by grace (a lot of people did not make it to this age if you did, appreciate God for it) Do not die without giving your life to God
Don't rush , or feel under pressure because others are making it in life or in their careers. God has different timelines
Careers develop differently, responsibilities differ, opportunities differ, you and your friends dont have the same destiny, life may turn out totally different, we just mhave to embrace it and stay connected
Self love
Love your body, your size, colour don't pressured by other peoples standards of beauty. There is nothing more beautiful like a confident woman
Intro song @kc_draecus -Changes
Thanks for watching
Cheers to life