August 29th was World Wide Freedom Day, with protests, marches, rallies in cities around the world. The rally in Berkeley was held on the pedestrian bridge, near 598 University Avenue and the Berkeley Aquatic Park, which crosses over highway 80. Those concerned about our state and nation's descent into increasingly unlawful acts and tyranny, will be meeting there with signage every Sunday from 3 to 6pm.
Come with signs, come with friends, come with hearts on fire to stand up for freedom in our nation.
See video of August 27 San Francisco Medical Freedom rally here: https://rumble.com/vlxnvg-san-francisco-medical-freedom-rally-august-27202..html
See warning to state and local governments about their complicity in fraud and crimes: https://alamedacountyassembly.wordpress.com/2021/08/31/warning-notice-to-government-and-agents-of-government/