Previous Dave Joke of the Fringe winners reveal their thoughts about the effect Covid-19 has had on comedy, as well as their memories of Edinburgh Fringe in this special video content series celebrating 14 years of Dave's Joke of the Fringe.
The comedians giving their thoughts are Nick Helm, Tim Vine, Adele Cliff, Darren Walsh, Ken Cheng, Masai Graham and Olaf Falafel.
The annual Dave Joke of the Fringe competition, which reveals the funniest one-liner joke of the Edinburgh Festival as voted for by the British public, has been cancelled for a second year in a row because the Coivd-19 pandemic has resulted in a much reduced festival. To continue to show support for the Fringe in 2021, Dave filmed this video.
Cherie Cunningham, Dave channel director, said "With no Fringe Festival in 2020, and a Fringe at 10% of usual capacity this year, we still wanted to commemorate Dave's Joke of the Fringe award in some way. We are delighted at all the amazing comedians who have shared their Edinburgh experiences and reflected on the past 18 months for this video. We cannot wait for next year, the 75th Edinburgh Fringe Festival, when Dave's Joke of the Fringe will be back bigger than ever before."