Dependent Drop Down List in Excel

Dependent Drop Down List in Excel

Dependent drop-down list in excel is such drop down list which is dependent upon some other drop-down list. We can create multiple Dependent drop-down lists in excel. Dependent drop-down list can be created using different methods. In this video I have discussed the simplest method which can be applied very easily if you want to create Dependent drop-down lists in excel. Dependent drop-down list is very useful in such situations where we need to get the data from user and where we need to shorten the list depending on the user’s earlier choice.
We can create dependent drop-down list from data, data validation and configure properly the data validation window.
To create a Dependent drop-down list, you must have two tables, one table should hold the category of the content and the second will hold the details of the items. Please watch the video to learn how to create the Dependent drop-down lists in excel.
If you need to know how to create drop down list then please click the link given below.

Drop down List: Drop Down List:

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