JHU’s Daily COVID-19 Data in Motion: September 11, 2021

JHU’s Daily COVID-19 Data in Motion: September 11, 2021

Video highlights of COVID-19 data trends as of September 11, 2021.

The data for September 10, 2021, includes the past week's worth of data from Florida. Florida only reports COVID-19 data once per week via their COVID-19 Weekly Situation Report, and does not provide a daily back-distribution of Case or Death data. While not all of Florida's Cases/Deaths were diagnosed/occurred on September 3, we are unable to break them out to dates within the week. This contributes to the unusually large number of daily cases for September 10 in the US.

Explore COVID-19 trends around the world with our in-depth data tracking:

New cases and cumulative cases: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/cumulative-cases
Daily new cases, testing, and positivity ratio by U.S. state: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/testing/tracker/overview
New cases by country: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/new-cases

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