Join me with a nice hot cupp'a and let's have a cosy little catch up Q&A session. I cover a lot of topics including life style advice, house renos & plans, a health update, organisation techniques and how I cope with imposter syndrome!
m e n t i o n e d
How to turn a bad day around - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT2g4GSHvtQ&t=4s
Hawaii vlogs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU8dbp7lJKAUxbHeBPGI6EJFV-VuZneZh
Natural make up tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kM6_hLxSqY&t=572s
Life Coaching - https://www.livingthelifeyoulove.co.uk/life-coaching
My Crystal Jewellery Store - https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/luanacreationsbykay
✧ My Ethical Crystals Store - https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/luanagemstones
Lifestyle Advice
00:48 What advice for someone wanting to start a slow & intentional living journey?
1:20 Top tip for keeping things minimal?
2:50 I work 50h weeks what advice would you give to start slow living?
4:53 How to motivate yourself to do things when you’re tired?
- How To turn a bad day around - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT2g4GSHvtQ&t=4s
6:30 Do you ever compare yourself to others? If so, how?
7:55 How to combat lack of motivation when you have no energy to adult?
9:37 Do you find the upkeep of your house hard? Things In my flat go wrong all the time.
11:30 Do you prefer digital planner or paper?
12:04 You seem like a very organised adult who's got their life together. Have you always been a planner?
14:14 I want to start a blog or YT but can’t find motivation
15:28 What skill do you want to learn next?
16:54 How are you mentally, physically, health wise?
18:53 What would you like to see yourself achieving in the next 12 months?
19:35 When did you start youtube and why?
30:37 Where do you work?
21:06 If you could do it it again would you have gotten litter-mates?
22:56 Do you have any more house renovation plans?
23:40 Would you ever do an extension on your house?
24:09 Did you design your house? It’s really awesome
24:45 Which sims game do you like the most? Sims pets & seasons – plant sim(sims 3)
25:36 Fave country visited and why?
Hawaii Vlogs -
26:42 If you travel again where would you go and who would look after the cats?
27:42 What about a make up tutorial?
- Natural Make Up Tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kM6_hLxSqY&t=572s
27:44 How do you decide what crystals to keep?
28:31 If you had to pick one tea to drink for the rest of your life, what would it be?
v i d e o s
minimalist cottage tour - https://youtu.be/o_WnuWVc7Ck
bringing home our ragdoll kitten - https://youtu.be/8En79jQsomU
cosy fall evening routine - https://youtu.be/RVUHzs-fk6E
day in the life playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU8dbp7lJKAXg8TiBy2L9U4-QDMrmI7_G
s u p p o r t
✧My etsy store (hand made crystal jewellery) - https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/luanacreationsbykay
✧ My Ethical Crystals Store - https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/luanagemstones
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Other places to find + connect with me .
✧ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/livingthelifeyoulove/
✧ Echos Instagram 🐾 - https://www.instagram.com/dailylifewithecho/
✧ My blog - https://www.livingthelifeyoulove.co.uk/
~ m u s i c ~
Epidemic Sound
This video isn't sponsored, all opinions are my own
Kay ✨