Let's make a Montessori-inspired play kit really suited for a babbler! Today we're returning to the "Make your own Montessori inspired play kits" series and taking a look at Lovevery's 'The Babbler' Play Kit for 13-15 Months.
This is the first kit in the toddler range. We are now increasing the price to $120 for a new box every 3 months. Lovevery's play kits have always hit the nail on the head with naming their kits in line with our childrens' development and curating the appropriate toys. Unfortunately, that same trend did not carry over into 'The Babbler'. While any activity can certainly be used as a language opportunity, there is not a singular language-specific activity in this kit (book aside, as they do include one in every kit). In recreating Lovevery's 'The Babbler,' we not only focus on working the same skills as their activities--we take it to the next level.
Our Montessori-inspired play kit will feature more diverse activities, including opportunities specifically focused on language development and...well, babbling!
As always, whether you choose to subscribe to Lovevery, another play kit service, buy these on your own, or DIY--do what works best for your family! I am so happy to see that many of you are interested in learning about the best way to create a Lovevery comparable play kit. But please remember that whatever you choose for your family is absolutely fine as well :)
Items mentioned in this video:
Ball Tracker - https://bit.ly/3tU1vmM
Ball Pounding Tower - https://bit.ly/3zp8XYe
Barn with Latches - https://bit.ly/3tQo3oN
3 Circle Puzzle - https://bit.ly/3zmOrYt
Rainbow Stacker - https://bit.ly/39inM4j
Imbucare Box - https://bit.ly/3zoFnCr
Coin Drop Box - https://bit.ly/3ApLMyn
Carrot Posting Activity - https://bit.ly/3hLbOoK
Carrot and Worm Activity - https://bit.ly/2VSYmap
'Good Night I Love You' Book - https://bit.ly/3AnwY3v
'If Animals Kissed Good Night' Book - https://bit.ly/3lBOquW
'A Book of Sleep' Book - https://bit.ly/3zhCL9i
If you're interested in learning more about the Montessori method, baby basics, or motherhood tips, check out my playlists below.
See how to Make Your Own Montessori Inspired Playkits: https://vsit.site/gbiwk
Baby Basics series on my channel: https://vsit.site/4cjn8
Motherhood Tips series on my channel: https://tinyurl.com/47n76pak
See Stella's Playroom Tour here: https://youtu.be/ve2F5q1OUq0
and her Nursery Tour here: https://youtu.be/DjnZm9s6UzM
📸Follow me on TikTok and Instagram @MariaAndMontessori to see daily tidbits of our life as I transition to being a stay at home mom in 2021 and introduce Montessori to Stella!
🎥New videos coming every Sunday!
Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/h6856v/
#LoveveryComparable #MakeYourOwnMontessoriInspiredPlayKit #LoveveryReview #LoveveryTheBabbler #Lovevery13to15Months #LoveveryPlayKitReview #MontessoriAtHome #DIYMontessori #MontessorionaBudget #MontessoriActivitiesForBabies13to15Months #MontessoriPlayIdeas #DevelopmentalActivities #MontessoriHome #MontessoriActivitiesforToddlers #MontessoriActivityIdeas
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