Mushtaq Ahmed Yusufi | Humorist Satirist | Auraton Aur Mardon Me Farq | Mushtaq Ahmed Yusufi Quotes

Mushtaq Ahmed Yusufi | Humorist Satirist  | Auraton Aur Mardon Me Farq | Mushtaq Ahmed Yusufi Quotes

Mushtaq Ahmed Yousufi was a legendary writer of Urdu satire, Most prominent and renowned humorist who made giant contributions to Urdu literature.
Humorist and satirist of Pakistan; author of extraordinary works "Chiaargh Tale" and "Aab-e-Gum",
and to comedic writing in the form of books and articles writer who wrote in Urdu.(for which he was awarded the two highest literary awards,
Sitara-i-Imtiaz and Hilal-i-Imtiaz by the Pakistani government). Originally a banker by profession, Mushtaq Ahmad Yousufi achieved
literary fame, and was highly praised by the likes of Ibn-e-Insha, Dr Zaheer Fatehpuri, Zehra Nigah and Iftikhar Arif, to name just a few.
Yousufi also served as the head of several national and international governmental and financial institutions.
Mushtaq Ahmed Yousufi passed away after a protracted illness in Karachi in June 2018, at the age of 94.
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