Reality of metal detecting

Reality of metal detecting

We all have EXPECTATIONS of finding silver and Gold, or a hoard of Saxon Sceats, but in reality, most of us go out and find nothing but relaxation and peace. Youtube doesn't always show these days, and you see many people pulling up fantastic items every week, so to even it out here's a day of reality. Don't feel its only you that doesn't find much, it happens to us all when we are out metal detecting. I was out using my Garrett ACE apex metal detector and the new Reaper coil.

Music by Eldar Kedem - You and Me
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Equipment & Info:

Dawn - Garrett ace apex, at max, reaper coil, raider coil, viper coil, Euroace, 350, ACE 400, 400i, DD coil, Garrett Pinpointer Pro
Camera - Samsung galaxy Note 4
Editor - Windows media player & Photoshop

digger dawnmetal detectingmetal detector

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