#patriji #pssm #pmcenglish #theprincipleofinfinities
In this video, Patriji explains that everything is infinite. Whichever way we see. It is the end of evolution. We see eternity or infinity everywhere. We have taken uncountable births and done uncountable Karma. We all keep doing this. We all will meet again in another birth.
🍀👀👀 Watch this video to know in detail. Stay tuned for more. 👀👀🍀
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PMC English takes you deep into the world of New Age Spirituality. PMC English brings you talks on multiple spiritual concepts from renowned international speakers along with Pyramid Masters across the World. Brahmarshi Pitamaha Patriji is the Founder of the Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement. Patriji is the new age spiritual master who has experimented on Meditation done inside pyramids. His simple tagline "Your Breath is your Guru" with 18 guiding principles paved the way for "Dhyana Jagath" (Meditation World), "Shaakahaara Jagath" (Vegetarian World - Non-Violence), and "Pyramid Jagath" (Pyramid World).
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