You may think you've seen every wild and unbelievable thing the Internet could possibly have thrown your way. But today, you're going to see more. There's always more where that came from. Everything from Ducks on a slide, to a man who lives in a sandcastle to an artist who works with Blood, these are 25 things for Those who have seen Everything.
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An Artist Who Works With Blood
To make it anywhere in this world, it takes blood, sweat, and tears. This guy may have taken the first one way too seriously when he began making intricate and extremely well-done paintings using only his blood. Vincent Castiglia often experiments with it and uses different things to bring out as many shades of reds and browns as he can and though it sounds crazy, the paintings really speak for themselves.
Gangster Crab
If you thought 50 Cent was serious about getting rich or dying while trying, check out this gangster crab. You’d think a crab pinching you is bad enough. But a crab with a knife is the ultimate opponent. This crab really doesn't want to die today.
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