3 True Trick-or-Treating Horror Stories

3 True Trick-or-Treating Horror Stories

That day of the year is just a week away now.. Here are 3 more allegedly true scary stories that took place while trick-or-treating.

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/realmrnight...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mista_nightmare?l...

Listen to these stories + more:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/071MBMLwjKsfHLZDs3OolC?si=f74e5d02dced4300&nd=1
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/mr-nightmare-scary-stories-for-sleep-study-and-chill/pl.u-76oNlB6uvGqv5B3

If you want to send a personal TRUE story of yours, please send it through email: mrnightmareinbox@gmail.com
Anything with poorly structured sentences and grammar will not be read, so please just make them neat and understandable. Please also state how you would like your name to be credited in a video.

Some of the music in this video courtesy of:

scary true storiestrue scary storiestrue stories

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