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Classroom Behaviour Management - learn Teacher Training
Best Teacher Training Course
7 Steps to Behaviour Management in the Classroom
identify the key components to effective classroom behaviour management,identify the key components of an engaging lesson,learn about the psychology of the class mind,learn about how brain development affects behaviour,understand how to develop trust and positive relationships with their students
It will be helpful to have had experience of teaching,Covers ages 4-18,These 7 steps are the key things that confident teachers put in place without even realising they are doing it, they form the foundation for being able to deal with challenging behaviour and non-compliance in a calm, planned way.,In this 7 session programme you will learn:,,The course covers:,new teachersexperienced teachers seeking an update on current thinkingcover supervisorslecturerssupport staff who teach whole class,new teachers,experienced teachers seeking an update on current thinking,cover supervisors,lecturers,support staff who teach whole class