You're promoting your content the wrong way and today we're going to fix that. Today, I'm going to break down everything that you've taught about content marketing promotion is wrong.
Question for you: how much time do you spend promoting your content every time you write a blog post? Let me know, is it five minutes? 30 Minutes? One hour? Two hours? 10 hours? Let me know in the comments below, I'm curious.
A New Way To Build Links (And Spend Less Time Finding Opportunities): https://youtu.be/KwCjzeXcWpE
How to Find Lucrative Link-Building Opportunities in Under 60 Seconds: https://youtu.be/MFLXnMh-BHo
Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/
Look, not every content piece is worth promoting, no matter how much cold outreach you do, if your intent is self-servicing, you're not going to get any of the free or paid promotions working well for you. I want you to focus on helping other creators’ audiences.
You want to focus on their audience's pain points, their needs, their wants, and you want to solve the problem in a way that no one else did. You want to turn a written piece of content into a data visualization piece. You want to turn a written content piece into a video.
You have to figure out how to make it beneficial to the other audience. So for example, if you write more detailed content than your competition and someone's linking to them, and there are articles on 'how to get more Facebook to reach in 2021' and they're linked to it, they're like, "Hey, this is how you're going to improve your Facebook reach." Well, if 2022s coming up and their algorithms change or 2023s coming up, or 2024s coming up and their algorithm change, then you can talk about their updated algorithms and each one, same with Google, and you can be like, "Look, here's what's working these days. Here's the type of content pieces that are working. Here's what's not. Here's the overview synopsis. Here's even a video that gives you an overview."
And sending that to people who are linking to your competition, they're more likely to link to you because that benefits their reader base and gives them the latest and greatest.
Also, I don't want you to use cold outreach templates. They just don't work. Use your own voice, understand what works in your templates and adjust to your own personality, your own voice, et cetera. Promoting your own brand can be more powerful than also promoting your own content.
So here's an example of that. You're probably like, "Neil, what are you talking about? Promoting your own brand versus your content?" Seeing content marketing, everyone's like, "Oh, you got to promote your content." Well, a lot of times I did self-like, I did a 'who is Neil Patel campaign'.
There was a ton of people who are popular all over the world on social media and they promoted my name.
And just posting your content on social media these days, isn't enough. You need to tease people and try to gauge their pain points. You need to lead with a teaser piece when you're trying to post on social media and have that call to action so then that way people want to go to your website.
So for example, when I post on social media, I'll start with the hook, such as, "the way you're promoting content is all wrong. Do you want to know how to do it the new way? Well, here's the latest and greatest." You see how I use the hook that causes people from social to be more likely to go to your website.
And by telling people that, or even telling them to check out in-depth pieces on your website from your social channels, that can help a little bit, but it doesn't work as well as that hook that I just mentioned.
And you don't want to waste time trying to get the wrong brands to promote your content. If there's an audience mismatch, you're going to be wasting time. You don't want to focus only on the big brands, go after smaller brands that are in your space.
Even niche people don't have a big audience. Something's better than nothing. You want to focus on external content promotion opportunities that make sense, that allow you to build your own community, that allow you to nurture your community with content that only they have access to.
For example, I may do a partnership with Entrepreneur, do a webinar, tell people about all the latest and greatest on my site, have a landing page for them, tell them about it, collect their email address so that way I can foster, nurture my own community.
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