#How to prepare Rangoli colours at home #which colours are best for making Rangoli colours?#bloopers

#How to prepare Rangoli colours at home #which colours are best for making Rangoli colours?#bloopers

hi friends if you are passion about rangoli designs you can show your talent to the world .in this video i would like to share how to make Rangoli colours at home for this I am using white rangoli powder, water ,Poster colours and fabric colours

rangoli is an art form used by people in india.it is a type of decoration drawn on the ground or sidewalk in front of a house. rangoli has a purpose; it is used to “enlighten” or to welcome hindu gods to the household

divinehouse red geru mitti whole/stone form 1/2 kg (500 gms) https://www.amazon.in/dp/b08qw6yjgl/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navt_g_22zj209ge99r1ymcx9py
check this out: getmart™ natural geru mitti, red ocher powder,100g getmart https://www.amazon.in/dp/b096f51gmk/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_awdb_imm_havd7sq2e99r447hbv37
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rangoli colours at homehow to make rangolihow to make rangoli at home

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