To order Sweet Adjeley Seasoning Please contact Hertage Distributors @ 9736224406 and they would ship it to you, anywhere in the USA Thank You 😘✌🏽❤️
To Cook Rice
2cups - Rice
3cups - Water
Salt - tt
Meat Prep
1lbs - Beef
1tsp - Onion Powder
1tsp - Ginger Powder
1tsp - Garlic Salt
1tsp- All Purpose Seasoning or tt
1/4cup - Red Bell Peppers
1/4cup - Yellow Bell Pepper
1/4cup - Orange Bell Pepper
1/4cup - Green Bell Pepper
1/2cup - Carrots or 2 Large
1cup - Cabbage
1/4cup - Scallions
2tbsp - Ginger
1 1/2tbsp - Garlic
1 - Large Red Onion
Other Ingredients
3 - Eggs
4tbsp - Soy Sauce
Contact her here @OBAAPA’S KITCHEN 👇🏽 to order your Mandi Rice and don’t forget to check out her channel @OBAAPA’S KITCHEN