Catherine Cooke, Leading Business Advisor and Founder of The Engine and an expert in business entrepreneurship returns with Kirit Lal, Director Walker Wayland Auckland and Andrew Skinner, Partner Martelli McKegg to discuss:
Build your business living succession plan and ensure business continuity.
These three discussed a few weeks back Succession Planning for your business and focused on the exit coupled with preparing for the exit.
Great points were raised around knowing that plan for exit well in advance and even at the early stages of business set up.
What COVID-19 brought home was how unprepared businesses were for business interruption.
• Succession planning isn't rocket science, however most people don’t plan to fail – they fail to plan ….. the pitfalls of not planning a living business succession strategy;
• Is succession plan part of business continuity? Why succession planning is key to business continuity.
• What is succession planning in the business? What does a success story look like.
• Things sometimes don’t go to plan – COVID-19 is an example. Business Continuance Plans are essential for businesses and why it’s important to plan and test each part of that plan.
• When a partnership with multiple Directors goes sour and best practice advice for the start of the journey of business;
• Top tips in building that living business succession plan.
• Top tips in why having a BCP is key critical for business operations.
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