Harold Elam, The Internet Guy from IGP "Investment Group Partners" helps you to choose some of Best Performing Stocks To Trade together inside Your Personal Retail Portfolio, helping you and your family to Earn Substantial Profits from the US Market Exchanges, every Quarter.... Regardless How The Market Is Performing.
Harold is novelist trader, and since 1997 has been successfully trading Penny Stocks as multiple streams of income, building the Framework of His Family's Financial Future.. Harold Elam "The Internet GUY is the President and Co-Founder of Community Investment Club - an Online Members ONLY group of Retail Portfolio Investors.
Community Investment Club is a Members ONLY private online group of Community Portfolio Investors. We share collaborative research results, business and investing ideologies, We Learn Together, We Invest Together, We Grow and We Earn Together. (C.I.C.) Community Investment Club is a direct product of Investment Group Partners (IGP) which is a Nevada Unincorporated Community Association (N.U.C.A.) Investing Back Into the communities where We Live, We Work and We Worship
Opening Bell is a daily broadcast made available on Facebook to Community Investment Club Members ONLY and now being shared across multiple Social Media Planforms. "The Internet Guy" believes and teaches how Profits can be earned through your current and active social media platforms beyond Facebook Fans, Beyond Your Tweets on Twitter, Beyond Your Location searches on Google and beyond all your followers on Instagram...... turning what you already have in your Portfolio, sharing your actual trades, thoughts, suggestions online with other traders in real-time, creating Right Now buyers of they same trading ideologies
Harold Elam, The Internet Guy is a business development brand building service provider, whom has intergraded Social Media Analytics, Demographic Development, active trade patterns of exchanges and historical available data of particular chosen stocks......
Systematic Concept Duplication or SCD is the controversial methodology utilized in daily trading strategies....
The Internet Guy brand creates, manages and promotes custom campaigns designed around your location, your products/services, your website and brands them along with all the other social media outlets into a collective geo targeted arena of Right-Now Buyers, right where they are.
The ability to take what you have already established inside of your Neighborhoods and making it better, more profitable and creating an actual residual of Right-Now Buyers, Right Now.